Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus(last update: |
Moderators: BHG 1cy May BHG 2cy January BHG adult January
Below: Black-headed Gull, 5th calendar year, E9MF, November 19, 2011, Oosterpark, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (52.21N, 4.55E). Photo: Maarten van Kleinwee.Ringed as 3rd-calendar year, Oosterpark, Amsterdam, (52.21N, 4.55E), February 2009. In full basic (non-breeding) plumage. Below: Black-headed Gull, 7th calendar year, E9MF, April 2, 2013, Oosterpark, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (52.21N, 4.55E). Photo: Anders Svensson.Ringed as 3rd-calendar year, Oosterpark, Amsterdam, (52.21N, 4.55E), February 2009. In pre-alternate moult, moulting to alternate (breeding) plumage. The brown hood is about 97% complete.