Moderators: BHG 1cy May BHG 2cy January BHG adult January
Below: First-calendar year Black-headed Gull, Minsk FA01112,December 17, 2006, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (52.22N, 04.51E).First-calendar year Black-headed Gull in first-winter (formative) plumage. During the post-juvenile moult, all feathers have been replaced except those on the wings and in the tail. The body and head are now completely white, leaving a head pattern similar to adults (with a black ear spot and faint bars from ear to ear and eye to eye across the head). The legs are orange and the bill is orange with a white tip. (Ringing date: June 3, 2006, Vitebsk, Belarus, 5510.00N, 3010.00E, age: pullus, sex: female. Re-ringed with metal ring Arnhem 3614770 and color ring White LGX on December 17, 2006, Westlandgracht, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.) |